At the organization level, you can customize the content within a hub. Before editing this section, you should understand playbooks and their limitations.
Tasks and Task Lists
Tasks are friendly reminders assigned to hub collaborators to take a certain action. Each hub type (purchase, sale, or home ownership) has a different set of tasks associated with it.
To start, copy the pre-existing (Default) Task List. This will give you a good base to start from when you're adding or deleting tasks.
- To add a task, select the correct task list and click New Task.
- To edit a task, click its name or click the “Edit” icon.
- To duplicate a task, click the “Copy” icon.
- To copy or move a task to a task list, click the “More” icon.
Knowledge Bases
Knowledge articles and videos are used to educate your clients.
To start, copy the pre-existing (Default) List. This will give you a good base to start from when you're adding or deleting articles or videos.
Add a new asset to your custom knowledge base
You can add your own articles or videos (assets) to your custom knowledge base:
- Articles appear as single-page websites that contain text and images
- Videos will be embedded in a single-page website
To add a new article, follow these steps:
- Click the New Article button.
- Complete the following fields in the “Add Article” window that opens.
- Title: This will appear in large bold font at the top of your article
- Active: Articles must be set to “active” in order for collaborators to see them
- Publication Date: Viewers will see how current your articles are
- Summary: Add a quick overview of your article (optional)
- Header Photo: Upload an image file with a format of jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .png, .bmp, and a size less than 5MB
- Body: Type or copy and paste your main body text, using the built-in content editor to format your article to your liking.
- Disclaimer: Add a disclaimer to display above the Summary (optional)
- Tags: Add one or more tags to the article (optional)
- Hub Type: Indicate which hub types (Home Purchase, Sale, and/or Ownership) and stages this article supports
- Click Save.
To add a new video, follow these steps:
- Click the New Video button.
- Complete the following fields in the “Add Video” window that opens.
- Drag & Drop: Follow the prompts to upload your video in any of the following formats: .mp4, .mov, .wmv, .flv, .avi, .mts files with a size less than 100MB
- Title: This will appear in large bold font at the top of your video
- Active: Videos must be set to “active” in order for collaborators to see them
- Publication Date: Viewers will see how current your videos are
- Language: Select the language from the dropdown menu
- Description: Briefly describe the video (optional)
- Tags: Add one or more tags to the video (optional)
- Click Save.
TIP Contact to get more information about the best way to use this feature.
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